

タカラのびいどろ (鈴丸 みんた)の翻訳一覧〜翻訳本〜外国語に翻訳された本を買ってみた〜






Takara's Treasure

This comic features beautiful artwork and a heartwarming story by Suzumaru Minta. It is a fantasy tale that follows the adventures of the protagonists Bii and Doro. As they travel through magical forests and a world of mystical creatures, they learn about friendship, courage, and the importance of self-discovery. Suzumaru Minta's delicate and vivid illustrations make this comic truly unique. Each page is beautifully drawn with rich detail and vibrant colors, transporting the reader to a magical world. What's more, the characters are charming and unique, and their adventures are full of laughs and emotions.