

ノイジールームメイト ~家ナシになったのでイケメンと怪異つき物件で同居始めました~(緒崎 カホ)の翻訳一覧〜翻訳本〜外国語に翻訳された本を買ってみた〜


ノイジールームメイト ~家ナシになったのでイケメンと怪異つき物件で同居始めました~




My Noisy Roommate: The Roof Over My Head Comes With Monsters and a Hottie

The story follows a homeless protagonist who lives a mysterious life with an attractive man and becomes embroiled in supernatural events. An eccentric cast of characters brings humor and excitement to this thrilling tale of communal living. With stunning illustrations and a well-crafted story, this comic provides an unforgettable reading experience. The Noisy Roommate is a must-read for anyone looking for a unique combination of comedy, suspense and compelling characters.