

水の絵本(荒井 良二)の翻訳一覧〜翻訳本〜外国語に翻訳された本を買ってみた〜






Almost Nothing, yet Everything

This beautiful picture book takes us on a journey through the eyes of a child to discover the beauty in the simplest of things. Through Alai's delicate and unique drawing style, we are captivated by a variety of enchanting scenes. Whether it is the vastness of a clear blue sky, the gentle glow of a sunset, or the twinkling stars in the night sky, each illustration is a masterpiece in itself. But it is not only the stunning visuals that this book offers. Through the symbolism of the sky, the book captures the essence of life's fleeting moments and emotions. The sky becomes a mirror of our own experience: the hopeful brightness of a sunny day, the somber gray of parting clouds, the sense of adventure evoked by the breeze.