

「日本人」の境界(小熊 英二)の翻訳一覧〜翻訳本〜外国語に翻訳された本を買ってみた〜






The Boundaries of 'the Japanese

This thought-provoking book by Eiji Oguma offers a critical examination of the construction and boundaries of Japanese identity. Through a historical and sociological lens, Oguma explores how the concept of a homogeneous and distinct group of Japanese has been shaped and contested over time. He delves into the social and political forces that have influenced the formation of national identity, challenging essentialist notions and revealing the complexity and diversity that exists within Japan. This book offers valuable insights for all those interested in understanding the fluid and contested nature of cultural and national boundaries and how they shape our understanding of ourselves and others. By presenting a nuanced and insightful analysis, Oguma encourages readers to question their own assumptions and promotes a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of Japanese society and culture.